ZATCA Announces Wave 13 of The Second Phase (Integration Phase)

Wave thirteen integration with ZATCA

Wave 13 of The Integration Phase ZATCA is still in the process of implementing E-invoicing all around the Kingdom through organized waves as part of Phase Two known as the Integration Phase. Just right after their recent announcement of wave twelve, ZATCA proceeds to announce wave thirteen with their specified criteria. According to what had […]

QuickBooks Users Can Comply With ZATCA Now Via InvoiceQ’s Solutions 

QuickBooks integration with ZATCA

InvoiceQ’s Latest Update for QuickBooks Users: A Game Changer! As ZATCA updates for Phase Two continue, the need for businesses to find E-invoicing solution providers keeps rising in order to find better-customized options capable of filling the void that internal systems usually face to comply with ZATCA.  InvoiceQ’s Updates For QuickBooks Users We always notice […]

JD Edwards Integration with ZATCA: Comply Easily! 

Intro The lack of interactive integration protocols for legacy systems, where integration with modern software becomes challenging, has created a need to identify new alternatives. This issue came to the surface after the legal enforcement of E-invoicing in Saudi Arabia by ZATCA in 2021; where E-invoices were mandated to replace paper invoices and any other […]

InvoiceQ At The Forefront of E-invoicing Providers For Phase Two in Saudi Arabia

E-Invoicing Phases in Saudi Arabia  Ever since the implementation of the E-invoicing wave transformations in Saudi Arabia in December 2021, ZATCA has pulled the strings possible to ensure all VAT taxpayers comply with the tax regulations and rules. This meant setting rules and regulations for each phase starting with Phase One known as “Generation Phase” […]

30 Days Left For Wave 8: What Should You Know?

The due date for wave 8 compliance is nearing the deadline ZATCA has placed for the required VAT taxpayers of the second phase known as the “Integration Phase”. So, what should you know? ZATCA has previously declared the criteria for the obliged VAT taxpayers included in wave 8, similarly to what has been done in […]

ZATCA Announces Wave 12 of The Second Phase (Integration Phase)

As the implementation of the Second Phase of E-invoicing known as the “Integration Phase” in Saudi Arabia continues, ZATCA is still announcing new waves to include more VAT taxpayers. Thus, ZATCA has declared the criteria for the twelfth wave of businesses required to integrate. The twelfth wave includes all VAT taxpayers with annual taxable revenue […]

Credit Note Integration with ZATCA: Phase Two Compliance

Intro Ever received an invoice that seemed to be a bit strange to you? Perhaps the total amount to be paid was more than you should have been charged, or your order was missing items that you had paid for, or unfortunately, a defect was discovered after receiving the items. Whether it’s any of those […]

Simplifying Integration with ZATCA: InvoiceQ’s Database Integration

Integration with ZATCA for Phase Two

Intro Integration with ZATCA can get pretty hectic when done alone for the challenging process it requires, not to mention if your company’s ERP or Billing system doesn’t support easy integration methods such as API integration or any other that facilitate your compliance with ZATCA and taxation rules. Thus, we decided to step in and […]

Getting Ready For ZATCA’s Second Phase

Integration & Compliance with ZATCA Phase Two

Intro With less than 30 days left for 2023 to come to an end, it’s worth noting that the second phase set by ZATCA for The Integration Phase is also nearing an end for the announced waves. So, what’s the situation at the moment? And most importantly, do you still have time to comply before […]

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